Wednesday, October 26, 2005


ok here I am 2:52 am after many years without lighting up a cigarrette I started againn with my vicious act of smoking 1 cigarrete a night, out of the blue, I think, because I've been working like a dog all year round, but specially since this summer. I haven't stopped. I thinks it is just stress. But since it is just a face, I'll bear with that. Actually it is not even a cigarrette, why? because every time I go out the building to smoke a cigarrette there's a bum, homeless, etc approaching. Just for security reasons I had to throw it away. grrrrr!!!! ):O( everytime it's the same: 2 or 3 blows and boom! a homeless appear. I just have to throw the cigarrete away. ok now I had to go to sleep. too late to be awake. LSD
(yes indeed those are my initials hehehehe the drug becomes a person! please add "Psyco soundtrack" here ee- ee -ee! and spining eyes too!)

Monday, October 24, 2005

I hate it when I'm this distracted

meaning, I start to write my review, but I stop and do 5 more things like:
doing the laundry,
back to writing,
suddenly turn the tv on,
back to writing,
navigate the internet,
back to writing
and oh! yes,
writing in my blog hehehehe :Op
I better get back to work!
I really need to finish before morning heheheheh :Op

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Y porque brillas al caminar.

song: Peligroso pop
group: Plastilina mosh

King Kong Five

king kong five is my all-time, all-stars most favorite song from Mano Negra.

King kong 5
Listen to the beatm, beat of the song song
Go buzzin in my head head head like a bum dum
Listen to the beat, beat of the song
Buzzin in my head, my head like a bum dum

Twits and Jerks do the boogie like one big flop
They dont know about the Soul Wine Habit Club
I sing my song and i'm a 'rocker'
Burning up with the puta's fever

Standin' Alive
We're the King Kong Five
King Kong Jive
On the Gabony Boogie
What's the matter with me
What's the matter with me
I'm playing like i'm shakin
Under the coconut tree.

The Original soundtrack of my life: Mano Negra (among others)

Mala Vida soleil

Tu me estas dando mala vida
Yo pronto me voy a escapar
Gitana mia por lo menos date cuenta
Gitana mia por favor tu no me dejas ni respirar
Tu me est�s dando mala vida

Cada dia se la traga mi corazon
Dime tu porque te trato yo tan bien
Cuando tu me hablas como a un cabron
Gitana mia mi corazon est� sufriendo
Gitana mia por favor sufriendo malnutricion
Me estas dando m'estas dando... mala vida
Cada dia se la traga mi corazon
Dime tu porque te trato yo tan bien
Cuando tu me hablas como a un cabron
Me est�s dando m'estas dando
mi corazon


Tu me est�s dando mala vida
Yo pronto me voy a escapar
Gitana m�a por lo menos date cuenta
Gitana m�a por favor tu no me dejas ni respirar
Tu m'est�s dando.... mala vida.

Cada d�a se la traga mi corazon.